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Learn how to grow your connection with nature

Cover Image for Dysregulated Blood Sugar Drives All Illness: What most modern humans get wrong and how to fix it
·10 min read

Dysregulated Blood Sugar Drives All Illness: What most modern humans get wrong and how to fix it

As blood sugars drop, stress hormones rise. Stress breaks you down literally pulling minerals from your bones and stripping proteins from your muscles, to turn you into fuel, for yourself. That’s literally what stress does. The body says “oh, no more food incoming? Better break myself down and take resources from less important parts of myself ( bones, muscles, skin) and give them to my more important parts ( brain, organs CNS). Cool huh?


Director of Life Rocks

Cover Image for Bringing it back: Roughhousing play for smarter, nicer, happier, confident and more self aware kids.
·6 min read

Bringing it back: Roughhousing play for smarter, nicer, happier, confident and more self aware kids.

“Stop fighting with your brother!” The mother insists, pulling her two boys apart “ sit still and be good” she says. The boys turn their gaze down and fidget with themselves, holding back the urge to grab and punch one another in the arms. They eventually become restless and start all over again.


Director of Life Rocks

Cover Image for Use Natural light as medicine
·6 min read

Use Natural light as medicine

Light is medicine. People who practice proper use of lighting in their life, are experiencing massive benefits to their mood, energy, hormones, sleep and their connection to nature.


Director of Life Rocks

Cover Image for Modern treatment of water has it all wrong: here’s how to fix it
·6 min read

Modern treatment of water has it all wrong: here’s how to fix it

For beings that are 70% water, our culture knows so little about water and its mysteries. Our ancestors from all over the world, held sacred the life giving spring water that flowed from the ground. Our modern culture instead treats our water with chemicals, irradiates it with UV, pumps it through old pipes and recycles it all over again.


Director of Life Rocks